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Quale trattamento è raccomandato per la PCOS quando si cerca di ottenere una gravidanza?

Da Dott. Miguel Angel Checa Vizcaino (ginecologo).
Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/02/2022

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a medical entity that is usually characterized by oligo-amenorrhea (lack of periods or very long periods between periods), ovaries with the presence of many follicles, misnamed cysts, and signs of the presence of hormones. masculine, such as increased body hair.

The treatment of PCOS is very varied, it depends on each type of patient and it has to be personalized a lot. It is very important for this treatment that you seek a gynecologist who is a specialist in reproductive endocrinology.

Next, we detail the different treatments that will be carried out depending on age, time of sterility and type of PCOS.

Diet and exercise
This treatment is transversal for all patients. It has been proven that by dieting and exercising, regular periods and ovulation can be recovered in more than 60% of patients. Only a 10% weight reduction in overweight patients with PCOS improves ovulatory cycles and spontaneous pregnancy is achieved. The beneficial combination includes both diet and exercise at the same time.
Ovulation induction
many of the patients who have PCOS if they are young and have been infertile for a short time, they can benefit from using clomiphene citrate, they are pills that are taken for 5 days and that help the patient ovulate and become pregnant, this treatment cannot be used for more than 6 months. If ovulation is not achieved with the pills, you can try some injections that are placed in the abdomen for a variable period that can last from 7 to 40 days.
In vitro fertilization
sometimes it is not possible to make the patient ovulate with the previous techniques, or pregnancy is not achieved, or also if the patient is older than or equal to 37 years. In vitro fertilization is the technique that achieves the best pregnancy rates in polycystic ovary.
Potete leggere l'intero articolo a: Trattamento della sindrome dell’ovaio policistico (PCOS) ( 75).
Dott. Miguel Angel Checa Vizcaino
Dott. Miguel Angel Checa Vizcaino
Il Dr. Miguel Angel Checa è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia e ha un dottorato di ricerca in Pediatria, Ostetricia e Ginecologia, Medicina Preventiva e Salute Pubblica dell'Università Autonoma di Barcellona.
Numero associato: 080830513
Ginecologo. Il Dr. Miguel Angel Checa è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia e ha un dottorato di ricerca in Pediatria, Ostetricia e Ginecologia, Medicina Preventiva e Salute Pubblica dell'Università Autonoma di Barcellona. Numero associato: 080830513 .